【英語力】聽音樂學英文6 大方法,一次練習多方英文能力面向!
1. Listening to Music Helps to Improve Your Pronunciation
When learning a new language, pronunciation is one of the most difficult aspects to master. Learning English through songs will certainly help to train your accent.
2.Songs are Valuable Sources for Vocabulary, Sentence Structures and Grammar
Songs can provide opportunities for vocabulary practice. They are usually based on topics or themes that provide context for vocabulary learning. The more you listen to the lyrics, the better your English vocabulary becomes.
3.A Window On English-Speaking Culture
Listening to English Language music is a golden opportunity to absorb the culture of English-speaking peoples. It can be a great insight into the way English-speaking people think and feel. Having a knowledge of popular songs and artists gives you something to chat about with your English-speaking friends.
1.Regularly Listen toEnglish Songs
All you need is to find the best time in your daily routine to learn English by listening to music. At home, it’s easy to turn on the television, so you might prefer to listen to music on your way to work or when you’re at the gym.
你所需要的就是在日常生活中找到最好的時間,通過聽音樂來學習英語。 在家裡,你很可能會想打開電視,所以你可能更傾向於在上班路上或在健身房時聽音樂。
2.Listen to Your Favorite Songs Again and Again
If you like music, I guess you already have a playlist of your favorite songs. Maybe you want to create another list of your favorite songs. These songs are only in English, and you will listen to them again and again.
3.Get the Lyrics Online
It is recommended that you go online and type in the track name and "lyrics" to find the lyrics. If you read lyrics and play songs at the same time, You can understand how to pronounce each word, and even learn linking. You can also use the lyrics to test your listening skills. Listen first, and then read the lyrics to check your understanding.
4.Make Lists of Words and Expressions to Develop English Vocabulary
Listening to music also provides an opportunity to develop English vocabulary. It’s better to get a general understanding first, and then you can learn more about words and expressions. It is also useful to list new vocabulary words and phrases. Write down the new word or phrase and its meaning (in English or your own language), and write down example sentences containing the new word. Then, try to use new words or expressions yourself.
聽音樂也提供了發展英語詞彙的機會,最好先獲得一般性的理解,然後你可以更詳細地瞭解單詞和表達。列出一個新詞彙表也是有益的。寫下新單 詞或表達,以及意義(用英語或你自己的語言),並寫下包含新詞彙的例句。然後,試著自己使用新單詞或表達。
5.Use Songs to Develop English Pronunciation
Listening to music can help to improve listening skills and develop English pronunciation with examples of how to pronounce words and phrases with rhythm and intonation.
6.Repetition is Key
Listening to songs with a repetitive pattern is an excellent way to commit new vocabulary to memory. Music has a way of getting stuck in our heads and is more persistent than simply learning new words by rote.
當然最好的消息莫過於FUNDAY有鑑於此,也提供了一個免費的聽音樂學英語的平臺 FUN MUSIC,讓大家能夠按照我們上面的方式,重新燃起對英語學習的渴望。
【必學文法英文】5大「句型+時態」和 7種常用問句
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