分辨多益常見單字 delegate, designate, appoint, assign 的差別
「delegate, designate, appoint, assign」這四個多益常見單字在字典裡出現的解釋很相似,包含「委任、委派、派遣、選派、指定、委託」,再加上句型也近乎一樣,讓我們從下表開始,一次了解這四個字的差異。
delegate | designate | appoint | assign | sentence pattern (active voice) | |
委任、指派某人去做 某事 |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
designate/appoint/assign+ sb to do sth |
委任、指派某人擔任 特定職位、身份 |
✔ | ✔ |
designate/appoint + sb (as) sth |
委派某人到某處成為 其中工作的一員 |
✔ |
assign + sb to sth (a department, office, or organization) |
指派某工作、任務給 某人 |
✔ | ✔ |
assign sb + sth |
選派、授權某人成為 會議的代表,能夠投 票或表達意見 |
✔ |
delegate sb to do sth (as a representative) |
指定、劃定某地或某 事物有何種用途 |
✔ |
designate for sb/sth |
✏️ delegate
(n.) 新聞上參加國際會議的各國代表,就是用 delegate 稱呼,在其他會議需要討論、投票、表達意見的場合,如工會代表、公司代表、部門代表...等等,也都是使用這個字。
(V.) 發音有一些不同,意思是選出某個人做為代表。
● A group of four flight attendants were delegated to represent their colleagues at the labor- management conference. - 由四位空服員組成的小組被選出來代表同事出席勞資會議。
☞ 這個字的動詞還有另一個意思──下放工作、權力給下級:
● l It’s important for a boss to delegate. - 對經營者來說,分派工作(給底下員工)是重要的。
✏️ appoint
(V.) 在決定賦予某職位後,接受任命的人會經歷一些正式流程,像是宣誓、就任儀式等。
☞ designate 和 appoint 較常用的中文字義,前者是「指定」,後者是「任命」,都是正式地、官方 地將某人放在特定的職位上,進而去履行那個位置要做的工作、任務。designate 則是直接在既有的人選裡面指定某人繼任、擔任。
● The king fell ill and had to designate his successor. - 國王生了病,必需要指定/選定他的繼承人。
● l The president fell ill, but he had appointed three new ministers before he stepped down. - 總統病倒了,但是在下臺之前他任命/任用了三位新的部長。
✏️ designate
(V.) 有指定某事物的用途 or 標明、標示某物的意思
● l The neighborhood has been designated (as) a business district. - 這附近被指定為商業區。
● l Railways are designated by white-and-black lines on the map. - 在地圖上鐵路是用黑白線條標示的。
✏️ assign
(V.) 將既有的多個任務指派給他人執行,或是派遣某人(可能已經有職位在身)去執行任務、到某部門工作,不限定是否為官方指派或是正式命令。
● l The teacher assigned a few students to the office to carry the textbooks for the new semester. - 老師派了一些學生到辦公室去搬新學期的課本
● l We are assigned a book review that needs to be completed before the following Monday. - 我們被指派了一份讀書心得,並且要在下星期一之前完成。
● l The worker was assigned to the Sales Department to help. - 那名員工被派遣到銷售部去幫忙了。
☞ 可以是「歸因,確定某事的原因或資訊」
● l Have you assigned a day for your wedding? - 你們決定好你們婚禮的日期了嗎?
● l The fossil cannot be assigned an exact date. - 這個化石的年代確定不了。
● l The police have been unable to assign a motive for the murder. - 警方一直無法確定這起謀殺按的犯罪動機。