【疫情紓困4.0 英語必備】:補助、救濟、振興詞彙解析

🔍relief package 紓困方案
relief為名詞,除了有「解脫、減輕」的意思之外(特別指痛苦、負擔等),也有救濟、救濟金的意思。package常見的意思是「包裹」,例如:I got a package from my mom.(我收到媽媽寄來的包裹),但也有「方案、配套」的意思。
The Legislative Yuan approved NT$259.49 billion in the latest 4.0 relief package, which is expected to benefit 8.2 million people.
🔍bailout 紓困、緊急援助、企業救濟
bailout是一個非正式的經濟學用語,由bail和out組成,bail為名詞,是「保釋、保釋金」,作動詞用時,是「保釋某人」,例如:The lawyer bailed him out of jail.(律師將他保釋出獄)。bailout是指出面拯救企業或國家免於破產,或防止金融危機蔓延的計畫或手段。
Self-employed workers will receive a NT$30,000 relief grant from the new bailout funds.
🔍subsidy 津貼、補助金
A designated worker whose monthly salary is between NT$24,000 to NT$34,800 can apply for a one-time subsidy of NT$10,000 if their income dropped by 20 percent amid the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
🔍stimulus 刺激、振興
stimulus為名詞,是「刺激」,動詞是stimulate,意思是「刺激、促進」,例如:The government will do its best to stimulate the weakening economy.(政府將盡最大努力來刺激疲軟的經濟)。去年政府發放的振興三倍劵就是“stimulus voucher”。
Over 23 million people had obtained stimulus vouchers launched by the government to boost the economy.
🔍boost 促進、提高、增進
The government rolled out new parental benefits to boost Taiwan’s low birth rate.
🔍self-employed workers 自營工作者
The Ministry of Labor announced that self-employed workers who have been affected by the pandemic and whose income in 2020 was less than NT$408,000 will be eligible for subsidies.
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