
- stuffy nose:鼻塞。stuffy是形容詞,鼻子塞住的,另外也可以指通風不良、悶熱的房間或建築物。
- I can’t smell anything because I have a stuffy nose.
- I can’t smell anything because I have a stuffy nose.
- runny nose:流鼻水。runny是形容詞,流鼻涕的,也有水份過多的意思。
- Can you spare me a box of tissue? I have a cold and a runny nose.
- Can you spare me a box of tissue? I have a cold and a runny nose.
- sneeze:動詞,打噴嚏;名詞,噴嚏。
- She kept sneezing. I guess it was because of Tom’s cat.
- She kept sneezing. I guess it was because of Tom’s cat.
- cough:咳嗽,動詞與名詞同形。
- John has a nasty cough.
- John has a nasty cough.
- sore throat:喉嚨痛。sore是形容詞,疼痛的。
- Drinking warm water with honey and lemon might ease a sore throat.
- dizzy:形容詞,頭暈目眩的,名詞為dizziness,頭暈。
- The heat made me so dizzy.
- The heat made me so dizzy.
- fever:名詞,發燒。
- You may have a fever when your body temperature is very high.
- You may have a fever when your body temperature is very high.
- vomit:動詞,嘔吐。
- I was seasick and I vomited through the whole trip.
- I was seasick and I vomited through the whole trip.
- diarrhea:名詞,拉肚子、腹瀉
- For the past week, Sarah has suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.
- For the past week, Sarah has suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.
【必學文法英文】5大「句型+時態」和 7種常用問句
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