
你是否曾在閱讀或聆聽財經新聞時遇到瓶頸呢?其實讀懂財經新聞並不難,只須掌握兩件事:除了在短時間內聽懂英文數字的基本功外,更重要的是掌握討論股市走勢或經濟趨勢時常用的關鍵字(key words),對新內容的理解就能夠提升到八成以上。
1. open higher/close lower 開高/走低
通常股市相關報導一開始會先描述大盤的走勢,例如open high或open higher表示「一開盤就上漲」,close low或close lower表示「收盤時下跌」,若是個股、貨幣「逐步上揚」就是be trading higher,「逐步走低」則是be trading lower。
例1:Wall Street opened higher on Friday, helped by a rise in technology shares.
例2: Gold and silver futures on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) were trading lower in early trade on Thursday.
2. rise/climb/gain/advance 上漲
除了用rise、go up、climb 表示一般的上漲之外,新聞英文為求變化性,避免字句的重覆,也會用gain、advance等字表示上漲。若「微幅上漲」則用edge up表示,其相反為edge down(微幅下跌)。
例1:Taiwan shares climbed a little higher on Monday though cautious sentiment has caused the market to have the fifth lowest single-day turnover so far this year.
台灣股票在週一小幅攀升,雖然謹慎情緒造成市場出現今年度到目前為止第五低的單日成交量 。
例2:Foxconn’s shares advanced 0.6% to close at NT$84 ahead of the revenue report, having gained 7.56% over the past 12 months.
富士康的股票在營收報告前, 上漲0.6%,收盤價為84元,過去十二個月來漲幅為7.56%。
例3: The Nikkei 225 rose 0.21%, S&P/ASX 200 dipped 0.04% and the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.63%. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index edged down 0.47%.
日經225指數上揚0.21%,S&P/ASX 200下跌0.04%,而上海證券交易所綜合股價指數則下跌0.63%。同時,香港恒生指數小幅下降0.47%。
3. jump/surge/soar 飆升
例1:Global bond yields soared the most on record over the past two weeks, 1.5 times faster than the previous all-time mark in 1994.
全球債券收益率在過去兩個禮拜內破紀錄飆升,上升的速度比起1994年的歷史記錄快了1.5倍 。
例2: According to estimates by the London Bullion Market Association, the recent skyrocketing prices of gold will hit a new price of $1450 USD per ounce next year.
4. fall/drop/dip/slip/decline 下跌
例1:Another factor affecting the value of foreign exchange reserves was the fact that while the euro rose by 4.3% in April, it slipped 2% in May.
例2:Asian currencies retreated this week, led by baht and ringgit. Thailand’s baht slipped 1.7 percent to 32.600 per US dollar, its worst five-day performance since August.
亞洲貨幣這週由泰銖跟令吉帶領下跌 。 泰銖下滑1.7%至1美元兌32.600泰銖,自八月以來最糟糕的一週表現。
5. dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/sink/slump/tumble 巨幅下跌
描述「巨幅下跌」的動詞有許多選擇,可以用聯想的方式來輔助記憶,dive 和plunge都與「跳水」有關,nosedive原指飛機「向下俯衝」,plummet原指測量水深用的「鉛錘」,sink是「往下沈」,slump是「往後重重地坐下」,tumble則是「突然墜落」。
例1: RIM has had a terrible year, and its share price has nosedived, falling 70% over the last 12 months.
例2: The ringgit has fallen more than 5 percent since Nov. 8, plummeting to the lowest level since the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s.
例3:Wall Street dipped as much as 0.2 percent, led lower by the energy sector as oil prices slumped.
6. pick up/rally/rebound 回升
若要描述股價「下跌之後回升」,則可用pick up 、rally、rebound 等字,反過來「上漲之後下跌」則可用pull back表示 。
例1:Asian equities inched to 19-month highs on Monday driven by a rally in copper and iron prices.
例2:In the October-December period, the output of the manufacturing sector rose 5.72 percent from a year earlier to NT$3.26 trillion (US$105.86 billion), rebounding from a 1.38 percent year-on-year decline in the third quarter.
【必學文法英文】5大「句型+時態」和 7種常用問句
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