
✦ 郵輪艙等
- interior cabin(內艙)
- ocean view cabin(海景艙)
- balcony cabin(陽台艙)
- suite(套房)
✦ 船上空間
- bridge(駕駛艙)
- atrium(中庭)
- gangway(乘客上下船的通道)
- galley(船上廚房)
✦ 搭乘郵輪必知單字
- embark(上船)
Before you embark, make sure you have all your travel documents ready.
(上船前,請確保你已經準備好所有旅行證件。) - disembark(下船)
We disembarked the ship and joined a shore excursion to explore the city.
(我們下了船,參加了一次岸上遊覽,探索這座城市。) - shore excursion(岸上行程)
Is lunch included in the shore excursion package?
(岸上套裝行程包含午餐嗎?) - tender(接駁船)
Passengers must meet at the theater to board the tender.
(乘客必須在劇院集合才能登接駁船。) - sea day(不靠岸的日子)
Sea days are perfect for exploring the ship’s activities.
(不靠岸的日子非常適合探索船上的活動。) - port day(靠岸的日子)
On the port day, we will explore the city and try local food.
✦ 搭乘郵輪必備的實用句子
- What time should we be back on board after the shore excursion?
(岸上行程結束後,我們何時該返回船上?) - Could you explain how to use the onboard credit for activities or shopping?
(你能否解釋一下如何使用船上消費額進行活動或購物?) - Do I need to bring my passport for disembarkation?
希望這些實用的郵輪英語句子和單字能幫助你在旅程中更加自信、順利。無論是第一次搭乘郵輪,還是已經是郵輪旅行的老手,掌握基本的英文表達方式都能讓你的海上假期更加愉快且無憂。準備好踏上這段美妙的旅程了嗎?Bon Voyage!