
The Ministry of Education (MOE) decided on April 27 not confirm Kuan Chung-ming’s appointment as NTU president, citing conflict of interest during the selection process. The Association of National Universities of Taiwan said MOE should not interfere university autonomy.
appointment(v.) 任命、委任
conflict(n.) 衝突
interest(n.) 利益
interfere(v.) 干涉
university autonomy 大學自治
Those who for MOE(拔管派)
1. Kuan did not reveal he was a Taiwan Mobile independent director. Taiwan Mobile vice chairman Richard Tsai, who was on the committee, also failed to avoid a conflict of interest.
2. Kuan’s academic integrity is doubted by some. Kuan has been accused of plagiarism.
reveal(v.) 透露
fail to無法做到⋯⋯
integrity(n.) 正直
plagiarism(n.) 抄襲
Those who on Kuan’s side(挺管派)
1. Some believe the allegations and ministry’s actions have been politically motivated.
2. Rejecting the appointment of Kuan is a direct violation of the core values of free speech and democracy and university autonomy.
allegation(n.) 指控
politically motivated 有政治動機、意圖
violation(n.) 違背
university autonomy 大學自治