【地震英文】12個地震逃生小知識,地震相關重要單字,緊急避難包如何準備? 自從403大地震以來已經有上千次的餘震,今天我們來學習一下地震的相關英語吧。 首先我們來比較一下quake 和 tremor 這兩個字的差別: quake: 「quake」一般指的是地震,特別是指比較強烈的地震。這個詞強調的是地面的劇烈震動。 The quake destroyed several buildings in the city. tremor: 「tremor」通常指的是輕微或中等強度的地震,這種地震的震動較小,可能只有局部地區能感覺到。 Residents felt a brief tremor early in the morning. 再來我們學習一些地震相關重要單字: earthquake- 地震:地球表面的突然劇烈震動。 seismic Waves - 地震波:由地震引起,通過地球內部或表面傳播的能量波。 epicenter - 震中:地面上直接位於地震發源地(震源)上方的點。 magnitude - 震級:衡量地震能量釋放大小的單位。 Richter Scale - 芮氏規模:一種測量地震震級的尺度。 fault - 斷層:地球表面的裂隙,地震常常沿這些裂隙發生。 aftershock - 餘震:主要地震後發生的較小地震。 tsunami - 海嘯:由地震引起的巨大海浪。 seismograph - 地震儀:用來測量和記錄地震波的儀器。 tectonic plates - 構造板塊:地球表面的巨大岩石板塊,其運動會引起地震。 地震場景實用英文句子: It’s so scary! There’s an earthquake! 好可怕啊!地震了! Am I feeling dizzy or is it actually shaking? 是我暈還是地在震? Did you feel that tremor just now? 剛才感覺到了那一陣震動嗎? I think it’s an earthquake. Everything is shaking! 我覺得是地震了,一切都在搖晃! Stay calm! Remember to drop, cover, and hold on! 保持冷靜!記得趴下、躲藏、然後抓緊! I can hear things falling. Is the earthquake getting stronger? 聽到東西掉下來了,地震是不是越來越強了? Quick! Get under something sturdy, like a table or desk! 快!躲到堅固的地方,比如桌子或書桌下面! Is everyone okay? Check for injuries and stay away from windows! 大家都沒事吧?檢查有無受傷,遠離窗戶! I hope this earthquake doesn’t cause too much damage." 希望這次地震不會造成太大的破壞。 I’m feeling really anxious. How long will this earthquake last?" 我感到非常焦慮。這場地震會持續多久? The ground is still shaking. When will it stop?" 地面還在搖晃,什麼時候才會停下來? Stay alert for aftershocks. They can happen after the main quake." 注意餘震,主震之後還會有餘震的可能性。 以下是地震逃生小知識: Stay Calm: Remain calm and try to keep a clear mind during the earthquake. 保持冷靜:地震發生時要保持冷靜,盡量保持清醒的頭腦。 Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops. 卧倒、躲藏、並保持:地震發生時卧倒在地,躲藏在堅固的家具下,並保持到震動停止。 Stay Indoors: If you are indoors, stay indoors. Move away from windows, glass, and heavy objects that could fall. 留在室內:如果你在室內,請留在室內。遠離窗戶、玻璃和可能倒塌的重物。 Stay Away from Hazards: Avoid standing under doorways, near bookcases, or other items that could fall. 避開危險:避免站在門口、書架或其他可能倒塌的物品旁邊。 Stay Put: If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with a pillow. 保持不動:如果你在床上,請留在床上,用枕頭蓋住頭部。 If Outside, Move to Open Space: If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires. 如果在室外,移動到開放的空間:如果你在室外,請移動到遠離建築物、街燈和公用事 業電線的開放區域。 Stay Informed: Listen to the radio or follow updates on your mobile device to stay informed about aftershocks or evacuation orders. 保持資訊靈通:聽收音機或關注手機上的更新,以便及時獲取有關餘震或疏散命令的信 息。 Check for Injuries: After the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid if necessary. 檢查受傷情況:震動停止後,檢查自己和其他人是否受傷。必要時提供急救。 Evacuate if Necessary: If there is significant damage to your building or if authorities instruct you to evacuate, do so calmly and follow evacuation routes. 如有必要,疏散:如果你所在的建築物受到重大損壞,或者當局指示你疏散,請冷靜地 遵循疏散路線。 Assist Others: Help elderly individuals, children, or those with disabilities to safety if needed. 協助他人:如果需要,幫助老年人、兒童或殘障人士安全疏散。 Be Prepared: Have an emergency kit ready with essential supplies such as water, food, first aid supplies, flashlight, and batteries. 做好準備:準備一個緊急用品包,其中包括水、食物、急救用品、手電筒和電池等必要 物品。 Know Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts handy, including local authorities, family members, and medical facilities. 熟悉緊急聯繫人:隨身攜帶一份緊急聯繫人清單,包括當地政府機構、家人和醫療機構 等。 詳細地震緊急避難包準備如下: 圖片轉至:內政部 地震不斷,希望大家都平安! ------ 想學更多生活英文嗎? 免費加入會員,看新聞、文章順便學英文! > #FUNDAY看世界⠀#FUNDAY部落格 #生活英文