想安排一趟放鬆的旅遊,有哪些因素需要列入考慮?哪種住宿最適合自己或是家人呢?今天就來了解跟團旅行(traveling with a group)和自助旅行(independent travel)兩種行程安排的差異,並找出符合自己需求的旅行方式吧!
✦全包行程 all-inclusive tour
✦由旅行社全程安排 all arranged by travel agencies
✦附有導遊 with tour guides
✦食宿品質有人把關 quality food and accommodation
✦包車服務 transportation is included
✦固定的行程 fixed schedule/itinerary
✦花費可能變多(例如:小費)more expenses (for example, tips)
✦難以融入當地文化 hard to integrate into local culture
✦行程安排的彈性 flexible schedule/itinerary
✦預算的掌握 controlled budget
✦自由選擇食宿 more choices of food and accommodation
✦更深入當地文化 getting to know more about local culture
✦安全疑慮 safety concerns
✦較耗體力 taking more energy
✦需提前規劃行程 needing to plan the itinerary in advance
✦An independent travel suits for people who like to travel on their own pace, and sometimes it can be potentially cheaper if they are on a budget. However, it can also be annoying if they book flights and accommodation on their own because it takes time.
✦ By traveling with a group, things are all arranged, including flights, accommodation or even activities. People can be more relaxed because they know everything has been planned. Yet people may lose the opportunity to choose meals or activities they want to join, they may even not be free to shop at the stores they like due to set schedules.
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