今天我們就來學習一些必備的海關問題囉,Let’s get started!
- 目的地及行程:
問題:What is the purpose of your visit?
回答:I’m here for tourism/business/study.
- 預計停留時間:
問題:How long do you plan to stay?
回答:I plan to stay for [number of days/weeks/months].
- 住宿安排:
問題:Where will you be staying?
回答:I’ll be staying at [hotel/friend’s place].
- 工作與學業:
問題:What do you do for a living? / Are you a student?
回答:I work as [occupation] / I’m a student at [school].
- 回程機票或行程:
問題:Do you have a return ticket?
回答:Yes, I have a return ticket on [date].
- 購物或商務活動:
問題:Are you here for shopping/business?
回答:I might do some shopping, but my main purpose is [tourism/business].
- 攜帶禁運品:
問題:Are you carrying any restricted items?
回答:No, I’m not carrying any prohibited items.
- 過去海外旅行歷史:
問題:Have you traveled internationally before?
回答:Yes, I have traveled to [countries] for [reasons].
- 資金證明:
問題:Do you have enough funds for your stay?
回答:Yes, I have enough funds to cover my expenses.
- 簽證情況:
問題:Do you have a valid visa?
回答:Yes, I have a valid visa for [duration/purpose].
#FUNDAY看世界⠀#FUNDAY部落格 #生活英文