學英文_瀰因?迷因? Meme到底是什麼?

「瀰因」或「迷因」其實是由英文的meme直接音譯,在正規字典上可以查到,解析為“an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet”,也就是在網路上如病毒般瘋傳散佈的文字訊息、圖片、影片等,意思有點接近中文裡的「梗圖」、「爆紅影片」,甚至一段廣為流傳的文字訊息也可稱為meme。
根據Oxford dictionary的影片解析,meme這個字的起源最早可能是一位生物學家-Richard Dawkins,在他的著作中提到的,最初描述生物學現象的古希臘用字mimema,代表生物間並非透過基因,而是透過如模仿行為流傳下來的舉動,something imitated or copied,最後他決定用meme,以此和gene(基因)做為對照,而在Richard Dawkins的書中,meme包含了曲調、想法、流行語、服裝流行等,在2013年時才有了現在「網路梗圖」的新意思。
👉 我全都要 - I want it all!
"我全都要" 一詞出自於周星馳於1994年上映的經典電影“九品芝麻官 (Hail the Judge) ”中,飾演主角 - 包龍星的周星馳與飾演豹子頭雷豹的徐錦江相遇,周星馳本想與徐錦江平分所得,但雷豹卻毫不領情,直說他全都要!
經過時間與時代的演進,也因於在電影台不斷的重複播送,"我全都要" 成為了歷久不衰的華人迷因代表。或許是因為現代人頻繁地需要作出選擇,"我全都要" 成為了我們心中的夢想選擇。
"I want it all" originated from Stephen Chow’s movie in 1994, Hail the Judge. In the movie, the main character Judge Bao Sing, played by Chow, met Lui Pao, played by Elvis Tsui. When Chow proposed to distribute the earning equally, Tsui denied with the famous line "I want it all!" As time passes and the referred movie being played over and over on TV, "I want it all" had became an iconic Asian meme. This might be linked to the fact that nowadays while making decisions, we are all secretly wishing to gain it all.
Next time when you need to make a decision but doesn’t want to give up on anything, try saying: "Choosing is for rookies, I want it all!"
distribute (v. ) 分配
iconic (adj. ) 標誌性的
be linked to (ph. ) 與...有關
#英語生活學習圈 #最好的學習源自生活