「Set Off」vs「Set Out」:你真的分清楚了嗎?

set off 與 set out 都有「出發、動身前往某處」之意。
⦿ 例句1:Nick set out to visit his parent this morning. (今天早上尼克前去探望父母。)
⦿ 例句2:We’ll set off at 4 am tomorrow. (我們明天凌晨四點會出發。)
- We __________________ on the last part of our China trip.
- Can you __________________ the chairs as shown in the plan?
這裡應該使用set off或set out呢?
The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec. (這個危機在魁北克引發了民主主義情緒的浪潮。)
> set off:為「啟動某事物、引起或引發(一系列事件)」的意思。
⦿ 例句:The court’s initial verdict in the police officers’ trial set off serious riots. (法庭審理這樁警察案件所做的初審判決,引起了嚴重的暴動。)
We set off some fireworks to celebrate the New Year. (我們放煙火慶祝新年。)
> set off:「使爆炸、引爆、或發出巨響」之意。
⦿ 例句:Somebody set the alarm off on my car. (有人觸發了我車上的警報器。)
Her red dress was set off by a golden belt. (一條金色皮帶非常襯托出她紅裙的美麗。)
> set off:「(透過對比而)襯托、顯示出…的美麗」之意。
⦿ 例句:The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green of the chair covers. (黃色的新靠墊把淺綠色的椅套襯托得很好看。)
Just mentioning her ex-boyfriend could set her off crying. (只要提到她前男友,她就會哭不停。)
> set off:若是受詞為「人」,意思便為「使(某人)開始做…」。
⦿ 例句:She’s finally stopped crying. Don’t set her off again. (她終於不哭了,別再惹哭她。)
Mary set out to be the first girl to run the marathon in her school. (瑪莉立志要成為學校第一個參加馬拉松的女孩。)
> set out:表示有特定目標並開始為實現目標做準備,「立志做…」之意。
⦿ 例句:He has achieved what he set out to do three years ago. (他已完成三年前立志要做的事。)
I set out the reasons for applying for this job. (我說明了申請這份工作的原因。)
> set out:為「詳述、說明」。
⦿ 例句:She set out the company’s aims and objectives in her speech. (她在演講中說明了公司的宗旨與目標。)
The market was full of brightly colored vegetables set out on stalls. (市場到處都是攤子上所擺放的色澤鮮艷的蔬菜。)
> set out:為「陳列、擺放」之意。
⦿ 例句:The guests swarmed round the tables where the food was set out. (客人蜂湧至擺放食物的桌子。)
👉公佈上方問題1與2的答案: 1. set off 2. set out。大家是否答對了呢?
【必學文法英文】5大「句型+時態」和 7種常用問句
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