
動詞break形成的片語,大家最耳熟能詳的例如有break up(分手)、break out(爆發)等等。今天小編想分享的是與break搭配的副詞或形容詞所構成的片語,其中有些甚至有多種意思哦!一起來瞭解一下吧!
【break out】
⦿ 這個動詞片語除了有「突然發生、爆發」之意外,也能用來描述突然出現在皮膚上的症狀,意為「突然開始出現(班點、紅疹、冒汗等)」。
例句1:After he touched the poisonous plant, a rash broke out all over his arms. (在他觸摸這個有毒的植物後,他的手臂突然佈滿紅疹。)
例句2:When I heard the noise, I broke out in a cold sweat. (我聽見那個聲音時,冒出了一身冷汗。)
例句3:My teenage daughter doesn’t want to take any pictures because she’s breaking out (=she has pimples on her face). (我那正值青春期的女兒不想拍任何照片,因為她長起青春痘了。)
⦿ 另外,這個片語還能用來描述囚犯逃出監獄。例如:Five criminals managed to break out, but they were quickly caught by the police. (五位罪犯設法越獄,但他們很快被警察抓到了。)
⦿ 口語上非正式的用法,也能用來表示將某物打開使用。例如:We won the championship! Let’s break out the champagne! (我們贏得冠軍了!讓我們開香檳慶祝吧!)
【 break in/into 】
⦿ break in/into+地點,亦即「闖入、強行進入、破門而入」。
例句1:The burglars broke in through the kitchen window. (盜賊從廚房的窗戶闖入。)
例句2:Someone broke into the museum and stole the painting. (有人闖入博物館並偷走了畫。)
⦿ break in也能用來描述「使(新物件經使用後)逐漸合用、磨合」。例如:My new hiking boots will be great once I’ve broken them in. (我的新登山靴穿合腳後會很棒的。)
⦿ 要表示「打斷談話、插嘴」,也可使用break in。例如:As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, “That’s a lie.” (她正在說話時,他突然插嘴說:「撒謊!」。)
【 break down 】
⦿ 可用於當機器或機械停止運轉時,意即「故障」。例句:Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road. (我們的車拋錨了,我們只好把它推到路邊。)
⦿ 亦可用於當某人突然變得心理上或情緒上很沮喪時,意即「崩潰、忍不住哭了起來」。例句:All the stress of my job made me break down and start crying at work. (我工作的所有壓力使我崩潰,開始在工作時哭了起來。)
breakdown為其名詞形式,「故障、毛病」之意。例如:The copy machine has had three breakdowns in the past few months. (在過去幾個月內,這台影印機出了三次故障。)
【 break through 】
⦿ 可用於表示突然的進步,尤其是突破阻礙或困難時;亦即「克服、突破」。
例句1:My therapist suggested a few ways to break through my depression. (我的治療師建議了幾個方法,以克服我的憂鬱症。)
例句2:After a rainy day, the sun finally broke through the clouds in the afternoon. (在雨天後,太陽終於在下午突破雲層露臉了。)
⦿ break through為其名詞形式,「突破、重大進展」之意。
例句1:Scientists have made a breakthrough in cancer research – they’ve found an effective new drug. (科學家們在癌症研究上有重大的進展——他們已經發現了一種有效的新藥。)
例句2:A major breakthrough in negotiations has been achieved. (談判有了重大進展。)
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