I went to college in 2010. I majored in Education, and after four years of studies, I wanted to learn more, so I decided to continue my studies. I applied for graduate school. I studied for a master’s degree in English Language Teaching. During my time in graduate school, I also went on an exchange. I went to America in 2017. I prepared for a year so my 2016 was super busy. I wanted to save more money before I set out. Finally, I went there. My school was in Madison, Wisconsin. It was freezing there! I took a lot of classes, and I found that my listening skills were not good enough. I was very frustrated at first, because I couldn’t even understand my supervisor at work. I worked part-time in school because I didn’t have enough money. After staying there for six months, I came back to Taiwan. One day, I was watching films on Netflix again, and magically, miraculously, I no longer needed the subtitles!
以上是不是很典型的「流水帳」呢?一大段話,其實重點在後面的「剛開始去美國,都聽不懂當地人講的話,感到非常沮喪,後來才發現自己不知不覺進步了,最明顯的證明是現在看電影都不用字幕。」前面一長串的年份、學歷及背景,都不是重點,只要簡單地一兩句話 “I went on an exchange to American when I was in graduate school. I went through a lot of frustration during my time there.” 帶過即可。
不論是英文口說或寫作,都要記得 Be assertive. Be concise. Get to the point. 由於文化的差異,我們需要許多時間調適,這十分正常!說話或書寫之前,先想清楚自己到底想表達什麼,直接先把關鍵字詞說出來,後面再慢慢補充細節,會幫助你一步一步達到「字字珠璣」的境界。