比Happy Father’s Day!還更有誠意的父親節示愛金句

一年一度的父親節又到了,你是否準備了特別的禮物要送給爸爸,或者要和家人一起帶爸爸到他最愛的餐廳吃大餐呢?如果你還沒寫好父親節卡片,或者還不知道父親節的祝賀簡訊該怎麼寫的話,本週的FUNDAY blog要跟大家分享,除了用「Happy Father’s Day!」祝爸爸父親節快樂之外,可以用哪些簡單又感人的句子,向你的爸爸傳達你獨一無二的祝福。
For Selfless Dads… / 給無私奉獻型老爸……
- I am indeed blessed to have someone like you as my father. On this special day, I’d like to thank you for everything. You are my hero dad. I Love You. Happy Father’s Day!
For Wise Dads… /給智慧型老爸……
- Thank you Dad for being my pillar of strength and fountain of wisdom. Thank you for everything you are. Life is more beautiful when you are around. Happy Father’s Day!
For Strict Fathers… /致嚴格的父親……
- Cheers to the man who set my standards so high that I couldn’t settle for anything but the best.
- I always wondered, how a man can be so patient and strict at the same time. I am very thankful to you for all the support in my bad times and cheerful memories in my good times. Love you from the bottom of my heart papa!
If you can’t spend Father’s Day with your Dad…
- I can’t hug you always, but deep inside my heart, I love you. Happy father’s day from miles apart!
- On Father’s Day, I can’t help reflecting on all the things you’ve taught me over the years. Although time and distance may separate us, the man you are and the person you’ve made me never diminish. I hope you have a wonderful day, Dad.
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