- a leap of faith
leap本身有跳躍的意思,這個用法是指去做或相信一件不太容易讓人相信的事,有則新聞便以a leap of faith來形容英國決定脫歐的舉動。
例句:It took a big leap of faith to decide to quit my job and try something new. (放棄我的工作、嘗試新的東西的確不是一個容易的決定。)
- falls on deaf ears
deaf代表耳聾的、失聰的,若有某事falls on deaf ears代表根本沒有人注意、沒人在聽、置若罔聞之意。
例句:I reminded him three times that the homework assignment was due but it fell on deaf ears. (我提醒他3次該交作業了,但他只當耳邊風。)
- full steam ahead
這個用法可能也會在目前很紅的「英國脫歐」新聞中看到,steam可代表蒸氣,full steam ahead就是全速向前,指精力充沛地全速前進、全力以赴。
例句:Now that problem is out of the way, it’s full steam ahead to get the job finished.(現在問題已經解決,是該全速前進完成工作了。)
- sth is the new black
例句:Pink is the new black.(粉紅色是現時最潮流的顏色。)
- take their toll/take a toll on sb
例句:The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health. (過去幾個月來的問題
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