【端午節英文】吃粽子 慶端午:學習跟外國人介紹端午節的由來
Mark: What are you having for lunch?
Kelly: Zongzi.
Mark: Zongzi?
Kelly: They are made with sticky rice and wrapped in bamboo leaves, also known as the Chinese version of tamales. They are one of the highlights of the Dragon Boat Festival.
Mark: I’ve heard about it, but I’m not quite familiar with the details. What’s it all about?
Kelly: It’s a traditional Chinese festival celebrated to honor the poet Qu Yuan. Legend has it that Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet, who drowned himself in the river as a form of protest against corruption and political turmoil when his state was conquered by a rival kingdom. The villagers, upon hearing the news, raced to save him in their boats, beating drums and splashing their paddles in the water to scare away evil spirits. That’s why the dragon boat races are such a big part of the festival.
Mark: That’s a sad story. The dragon boat races sound interesting, though. But why having zongzi?
Kelly: Well, After Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river, the villagers threw rice dumplings into the water to prevent fish from eating his body. Over time, this act of making and throwing zongzi became a way to remember and honor him. Actually you can find zongzi all year around and they come in various flavors, like savory ones with meats or sweet ones with red bean paste.
Mark: I’d love to try one!
highlight (n.) 最精采(重要)的部分、挑染的頭髮
patriotic (adj.) 愛國的;patriot (n.) 愛國者;patriotism (n.) 愛國主義
corruption (n.) 腐化、貪汙;corrupt (v.) 使腐敗、使墮落
turmoil (n.) 騷動、動亂
conquer (v.) 佔領、征服、克服恐懼;conqueror (n.) 征服者、勝利者
savory (adj.) 鹹的、美味可口的、名聲好的(常用在否定句中)
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