升級制度 (Level Assessment)
4.考生參與為期1小時的 Coach Class。考官會於閱卷評核後,通知考生結果。
*Pre-A1升級至A1-1無須受試。學員上滿 60 堂 Pre-A1課程後將自動升級。
每個不同的學習階段,學員應依照以下表格內所列出的學習量,如實進行訓練,建立個人良好的學習習慣,逐步累積英語實力。CEFR學習時數 vs FUNDAY 學習時數 | |||||
機構 | A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1 |
劍橋大學 | 80-100 | 160-200 | 360-400 | 500-600 | 700-800 |
FUNDAY | 145 | 325 | 434 | 633 | 963 |
各等級訓練時數檢查表 |
等級 | 閱讀 (Reading) | 線上課程 | 學習總時數 | ||
研讀本文 (老師講解) |
學習驗收 (須達60分) |
Weekly Test (須達 65分) |
Tutor Class 上課總堂數 |
A1-1 | 25 | 25 | 0 | 37 | 43 |
A1-2 | 27 | 27 | 0 | 39 | 46 |
A1-3 | 40 | 40 | 0 | 46 | 56 |
A2-1 | 37 | 37 | 4 | 45 | 57 |
A2-2 | 37 | 37 | 4 | 60 | 72 |
A2-3 | 40 | 40 | 4 | 78 | 91 |
A2-4 | 45 | 45 | 5 | 90 | 105 |
B1-1 | 29 | 29 | 3 | 44 | 56 |
B1-2 | 40 | 40 | 4 | 59 | 76 |
B1-3 | 44 | 44 | 5 | 71 | 89 |
B1-4 | 48 | 48 | 5 | 83 | 103 |
B1-5 | 52 | 52 | 6 | 89 | 110 |
B2-1 | 39 | 39 | 4 | 59 | 79 |
B2-2 | 48 | 48 | 5 | 72 | 96 |
B2-3 | 54 | 54 | 6 | 81 | 108 |
B2-4 | 54 | 54 | 6 | 81 | 108 |
B2-5 | 59 | 59 | 6 | 88 | 118 |
B2-6 | 62 | 62 | 7 | 93 | 124 |
C1-1 | 39 | 39 | 4 | 58 | 110 |
C1-2 | 47 | 47 | 5 | 70 | 132 |
C1-3 | 55 | 55 | 6 | 83 | 157 |
C1-4 | 60 | 60 | 12 | 96 | 179 |
C1-5 | 68 | 68 | 12 | 102 | 193 |
C1-6 | 70 | 70 | 14 | 101 | 192 |
*各等級學習指標之要求門檻與項目不同。此外,線上課程參與後,老師會依據課堂表現與學習狀況進行評分,因此每位學員累積指標的進度可能有異。此表所建議之閱讀量、課程量,以及官網之目標值 (Goal) 均僅供參照。欲了解是否已具備報考資格,建議參考自身學習歷程 (Learning Statistics),檢視指標詳細累積狀況。
升級考試必須於線上考場中即時作答。考生不得於考試結束後要求補交卷或補充修改答案。考試將有監考官與考生一對一進行,全程以錄影錄音,以維護考生與監考官雙方權益。完成考試所需時間約45-50分鐘。若考生因個人因素晚到考場5分鐘以上,造成無法及時完成考試,需與教學中心另約其他日期時間進行重試。然遲到、臨時取消考試 (考前4天內),將無法歸還應試費用。為保障自身權益,考生務必注意考試時間。考試內容
升級考試共有「聽、說、讀、寫」四大題,題型簡述如下:等級\題型 |
聽 Listening |
說 Speaking |
讀 Reading |
寫 Writing |
多益TOEIC 僅供參考 |
雅思IELTS 僅供參考 |
A1-3 升A2 |
看圖作答(圖片和題目將呈現在畫面上) 聽對話作答(題目和選項將呈現在畫面上;對話將不會呈現在畫面上) |
無互動錄音口說作答題:第1到5題作答時間為一題15秒、第6到10題為一題30秒,鈴聲響起結束作答 描述圖片題:依照題幹指示描述圖片,時間為一分半,鈴聲響起結束作答 | 兩篇對話閱讀題,共6題 | 100-150字篇章寫作 | 225+ | 2–3 |
A2-4 升B1 |
聽兩段對話作答(題目和選項將呈現在畫面上;對話將不會呈現在畫面上) | 兩篇文章閱讀題,共6題 |
100字以內簡短書信 150-200字短文 |
550+ | 4–5 | |
B1-5 升B2 |
400左右改寫文章 150-200字短文 |
785+ | 5.5–6.5 | |||
B2-6 升C1 |
945+ | 7–8 |
聽力Listening | 口說Speaking | 閱讀Reading | 寫作Writing | |
文法 Grammar |
過於在意文法反倒會不敢開口,先勇敢地表達出內心想到的答案,說多少算多少 | 除了常見的時態和人稱變化,小心標點和空格的搭配,以及連接詞與轉折語的使用 | ||
發音 Pronunciation |
聽力音檔播放次數有限。沒聽清楚別糾結,把握當下,專注聽懂關鍵字 | 發錯音可以回頭自己修正過來,也可以繼續往下陳述。自信的表達及完整度更為重要 | ||
用字遣詞 Vocabulary |
時間有限,想不到的字或片語別糾結,換上別的字來完成表達的目的 | 從上下文找線索,推測不懂的單字片語的意思,切勿因為單一生字而拖慢了理解 | 注意檢查拼字與大小寫的正確性。艱澀字彙未必能拿高分,用熟悉且切合文題的字彙更實在 | |
邏輯與流暢度 Coherence & Fluency |
善用熟悉的連接詞,將簡短的句子銜接起來,建立敘事的邏輯 | 善用連接詞與轉折語,增加產出的變化性與連貫性 |
A1-A2考試及格標準:60分 A2-B1考試及格標準:70分 B1-B2考試及格標準:80分 | 您本次升級檢定成績: | __ | 結果 Result: | 通過/不通過 | |||||
升級考試 Coach Test (100%) 詳見各教室召集人制定之公版課程綱要,依照各等級目標能力批改扣分 | |||||||||
聽力測驗 Listening Test (25%) (參照生活會話、語感教室課程內容) | 閱讀測驗 Reading Test (25%) (參照FA文章閱讀教室課程內容) | 口說測驗 Speaking Test (25%) (參照生活會話、聊天室教室課程內容) | 寫作測驗 Writing Test (25%) (參照文法、寫作教室課程內容) | ||||||
題目 Question | 答題 Answer | 題目 Question | 答題 Answer | 評分項目/量尺 Criteria/Rubrics | 分數 Score | 額外扣分 Extra Point(s) Deducted | 評分項目/量尺 Criteria/Rubrics | 分數 Score | 額外扣分 Extra Point(s) Deducted |
1-1 | 1-1 | 流暢度和語言邏輯 Fluency & Coherence | 多扣____次 | 任務完成度 Task Achievement | 多扣____次 | ||||
1-2 | 1-2 | 共扣____分 | 共扣____分 | ||||||
2-1 | 1-3 | 用字遣詞 Lexical Resource / Word Choice | 多扣____次 | 前後文連貫和語言邏輯 Cohesion & Coherence | 多扣____次 | ||||
2-2 | 2-1 | 共扣____分 | 共扣____分 | ||||||
2-3 | 2-2 | 文法正確性 Grammar Usage & Accuracy | 多扣____次 | 用字遣詞 Lexical Resource / Word Choice | 多扣____次 | ||||
2-4 | 2-3 | 共扣____分 | 共扣____分 | ||||||
2-5 | 發音(含連音、語調、口氣) Pronunciation (linking, intonation, tone) | 多扣____次 | 文法正確性 Grammar Usage & Accuracy | 多扣____次 | |||||
2-6 | 共扣____分 | 共扣____分 | |||||||
本大題一律採扣分制,每小題答錯或未作答皆扣2.5分,作答正確則不扣分 | 本大題一律採扣分制,每小題答錯或未作答皆扣2.5分,作答正確則不扣分 | 本大題一律對照下方評分量表Rubrics為主、細項額外扣分為輔,細項扣分每一次0.5分,不同類型錯誤可累計扣分 | 本大題一律對照下方評分量表Rubrics為主、細項額外扣分為輔,細項扣分每一次0.5分,不同類型錯誤可累計扣分 | ||||||
小計 Sub Total (最低5分) | 小計 Sub Total (最低10分) | 小計 Sub Total (最低0分) | 小計 Sub Total (最低0分) | ||||||
總分 Total | __ |
口說測驗 Speaking Test (25%) (參照生活會話、聊天室教室課程內容) | ||||
↓ Score / Criteria |
流暢度和語言邏輯 (0分-7分) Fluency & Coherence |
用字遣詞 (0分-6分) Lexical Resource / Word Choice |
文法正確性 (0分-6分) Grammar Usage & Accuracy |
發音(含連音/語調/口氣) (0分-6分) Pronunciation (linking, intonation, tone) |
6 (7 for Fluency & Coherence) |
Fluent with only very occasional repetition or self-correction. Any hesitation that occurs is used only to prepare the content of the next utterance and not to find words or grammar. Speech is situationally appropriate and cohesive features are fully acceptable. Topic development is fully coherent and appropriately extended. |
Total flexibility and precise use in all contexts. Sustained use of accurate and idiomatic language. |
Structures are precise and accurate at all times, apart from ‘mistakes’ characteristic of native speaker speech. |
Uses a full range of phonological features to convey precise and/or subtle meaning. Flexible use of features of connected speech is sustained throughout. Can be effortlessly understood throughout. Accent has no effect on intelligibility. |
5 |
Able to keep going and readily produce long turns without noticeable effort. Some hesitation, repetition and/or selfcorrection may occur, often mid-sentence and indicate problems with accessing appropriate language. However, these will not affect coherence. Flexible use of spoken discourse markers, connectives and cohesive features. |
Resource flexibly used to discuss a variety of topics. Some ability to use less common and idiomatic items and an awareness of style and collocation is evident though inappropriacies occur. Effective use of paraphrase as required. |
A range of structures flexibly used. Error-free sentences are frequent. Both simple and complex sentences are used effectively despite some errors. A few basic errors persist. |
Uses a wide range of phonological features to convey precise and/or subtle meaning. Can sustain appropriate rhythm. Flexible use of stress and intonation across utterances, despite occasional or frequent lapses. Can be easily understood throughout. Can generally be understood throughout without much effort. |
4 |
Usually able to keep going, but relies on repetition and self-correction to do so and/or on slow speech. Hesitations are often associated with mid-sentence searches for fairly basic lexis and grammar. Overuse of certain discourse markers, connectives and other cohesive features. More complex speech usually causes disfluency but simpler language may be produced fluently. |
Resource sufficient to discuss familiar and unfamiliar topics but there is limited flexibility. Attempts paraphrase but not always with success. |
Basic sentence forms are fairly well controlled for accuracy. Complex structures are attempted but these are limited in range, nearly always contain errors and may lead to the need for reformulation. |
Uses some acceptable phonological features, but the range is limited. Produces some acceptable chunking, but there are frequent lapses in overall rhythm. Attempts to use intonation and stress, but control is limited. Individual words or phonemes are sometimes mispronounced, causing lack of clarity. Understanding requires some effort and there may be patches of speech that cannot be understood. |
3 |
Unable to keep going without noticeable pauses. Speech may be slow with frequent repetition. Often self-corrects. Can link simple sentences but often with repetitious use of connectives. Some breakdowns in coherence. |
Resource sufficient for familiar topics but only basic meaning can be conveyed on unfamiliar topics. Frequent inappropriacies and errors in word choice. Rarely attempts paraphrase. |
Can produce basic sentence forms and some short utterances are error-free. Subordinate clauses are rare and, overall, turns are short, structures are repetitive and errors are frequent. |
Uses some acceptable phonological features, but the range is limited. Produces some acceptable chunking, but there are very frequent lapses in overall rhythm. Attempts to use intonation and stress, but control is very limited. Individual words or phonemes are very frequently mispronounced, causing lack of clarity. Understanding requires much effort and there may be patches of speech that cannot be understood. |
2 |
Lengthy pauses before nearly every word. Isolated words may be recognizable but speech is of virtually no communicative significance. |
Very limited resource. Utterances consist of isolated words or memorized utterances. Little communication possible without the support of mime or gesture. |
No evidence of basic sentence forms. |
Uses few acceptable phonological features (possibly because sample is insufficient). Overall problems with delivery impair attempts at connected speech. Individual words and phonemes are mainly mispronounced and little meaning is conveyed. Often unintelligible. |
1 |
Essentially none. Speech is totally incoherent. |
No resource bar a few isolated words. No communication possible. |
No ratable language unless memorized. |
Can produce occasional individual words and phonemes that are recognizable, but no overall meaning is conveyed. Unintelligible. |
0 | Does not attend |
寫作測驗 Writing Test (25%) (參照文法、寫作教室課程內容) | ||||
↓ Score / Criteria |
任務完成度 (0分-7分) Task Achievement |
前後文連貫和語言邏輯 (0分-6分) Cohesion & Coherence |
用字遣詞 (0分-6分) Lexical Resource / Word Choice |
文法正確性 (0分-6分) Grammar Usage & Accuracy |
6 (7 for Task Achievement) |
All the requirements of the task are fully and appropriately satisfied. There may be extremely rare lapses in content. |
The message can be followed effortlessly. Cohesion is used in such a way that it very rarely attracts attention. Any lapses in coherence or cohesion are minimal. Paragraphing is skillfully managed. |
Full flexibility and precise use are evident within the scope of the task. A wide range of Lexical Resource is used accurately and appropriately with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features. Minor errors in spelling and word formation are extremely rare and have minimal impact on communication. |
A wide range of structures within the scope of the task is used with full flexibility and control. Punctuation and grammar are used appropriately throughout. Minor errors are extremely rare and have minimal impact on communication. |
5 |
The response covers the requirements of the task. The content is relevant and accurate – there may be a few omissions or lapses. The format is appropriate. The topic is covered and clearly highlighted but could be more fully or more appropriately illustrated or extended. It presents a clear purpose. The tone is consistent and appropriate to the task. Any lapses are minimal. |
Information and ideas are logically organized and there is a clear progression throughout the response. A few lapses may occur. A range of cohesive devices including reference and substitution is used flexibly but with some inaccuracies or some over/under use. |
The resource is sufficient to allow some flexibility and precision. There is some ability to use less common and/or idiomatic items. An awareness of style and collocation is evident, though inappropriacies occur. There are only a few errors in spelling and/or word formation, and they do not detract from overall clarity. |
A variety of complex structures is used with some flexibility and accuracy. Grammar and punctuation are generally well controlled, and error-free sentences are frequent. A few errors in grammar may persist, but these do not impede communication. |
4 |
The response generally addresses the requirements of the task. The format may be inappropriate in places. The topics are presented but one or more may not be adequately covered. The purpose may be unclear at times. The tone may be variable and sometimes inappropriate. There may be a tendency to focus on details (without referring to the bigger picture). The inclusion of irrelevant, inappropriate or inaccurate material in key areas detracts from the task achievement. There is limited detail when extending and illustrating the main points. |
Organization is evident but is not wholly logical and there may be a lack of overall progression. Nevertheless, there is a sense of underlying coherence to the response. The relationship of ideas can be followed but the sentences are not fluently linked to each other. There may be limited/overuse of cohesive devices with some inaccuracy. The writing may be repetitive due to inadequate and/or inaccurate use of reference and substitution. |
The resource is limited but minimally adequate for the task. Simple Lexical Resource may be used accurately but the range does not permit much variation in expression. There may be frequent lapses in the appropriacy of word choice, and a lack of flexibility is apparent in frequent simplifications and/or repetitions. Errors in spelling and/or word formation may be noticeable and may cause some difficulty for the reader. |
The range of structures is limited and rather repetitive. Although complex sentences are attempted, they tend to be faulty, and the greatest accuracy is achieved on simple sentences. Grammatical errors may be frequent and cause some difficulty for the reader. Punctuation may be faulty. |
3 |
The response is an attempt to address the task. Not all topics are presented. The purpose of the writing is not clearly explained and may be confused. The tone may be inappropriate. The format may be inappropriate. Key features which are presented may be irrelevant, repetitive, inaccurate or inappropriate. |
Information and ideas are evident but not arranged coherently, and there is no clear progression within the response. Relationships between ideas can be unclear and/or inadequately marked. There is some use of basic cohesive devices, which may be inaccurate or repetitive. There is inaccurate use or a lack of substitution or referencing. |
The resource is limited and inadequate for or unrelated to the task. Lexical Resource is basic and may be used repetitively. There may be inappropriate use of lexical chunks (e.g. memorized phrases, formulaic language and/or language from the input material). Inappropriate word choice and/or errors in word formation and/or in spelling may impede meaning. |
A very limited range of structures is used. Subordinate clauses are rare and simple sentences predominate. Some structures are produced accurately but grammatical errors are frequent and may impede meaning. Punctuation is often faulty or inadequate. |
2 |
The response does not address the requirements of the task (possibly because of misunderstanding of the data/diagram/situation). The content barely relates to the task. |
There is little relevant message, or the entire response may be off-topic. There is little evidence of control of organizational features. |
The resource is extremely limited with few recognizable strings, apart from memorized phrases. There is no apparent control of word formation and/or spelling. |
Sentence forms are attempted, but errors in grammar and punctuation predominate (except in memorized phrases or those taken from the input material). This prevents most meaning from coming through. Little or no evidence of sentence forms (except in memorized phrases) |
1 |
Responses of 20 words or fewer. The content is wholly unrelated to the task. |
Responses of 20 words or fewer. The writing fails to communicate any message and appears to be by a virtual non-writer. |
Responses of 20 words or fewer. No resource is apparent, except for a few isolated words. |
Responses of 20 words or fewer. No ratable language is evident. |
0 | Should only be used where a candidate did not attend or attempt the question in any way, used a language other than English throughout, or where there is proof that a candidate’s answer has been totally memorized. |
於考試結束後,由考官親自撰寫考生個人專屬報告書,其中包含「等級放置」、「建議學習計畫」等項目:等級放置 (Level Placement)
建議學習計畫 (Learning Plan)