Fourth Tallest Ferris Wheel in the World, Sky Dream Fukuoka, Arriving In Taiwan


[旅 遊]全球第四高摩天輪〝天空之夢〞,即將來台
Fourth Tallest Ferris Wheel in the World, Sky Dream Fukuoka, Arriving In Taiwan

Recently the Yamay Resort in Taichung purchased the Sky Dream Fukuoka Ferris wheel from Fukuoka, Japan, just as it [was about to] cease operation. The Sky Dream is a Ferris wheel 120 meters high, the fourth largest in the world. It is expected that when the Sky Dream arrives in Taiwan next year, it will become the tallest Ferris wheel in all of Taiwan.

日前台中的月眉育樂世界買下即將結束營運的日本福岡「天空之夢」摩天輪。 「天空之夢」是一個高達120公尺的摩天輪,也是全世界第四大摩天輪。 預計明年登台的「天空之夢」,屆時將成為全台第一高的摩天輪。

Currently the tallest Ferris wheel in Taiwan is located in Janfusun Fancyworld, yet the Sky Dream is a whole 32 meters taller. The height, 120 meters, is equivalent to 40 stories. When you sit on the Sky Dream and rise gradually to the apex, you can feel very close to the sky.

目前台灣最高的摩天輪是雲林劍湖山世界摩天輪,「天空之夢」整整比它還高出32公尺。 120公尺的高空、相當於40層樓高度, 坐在「天空之夢」上,緩緩上升到置高點,感覺就跟天空靠得很接近。

Judging by height, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world right now is the Singapore Flyer in Singapore at 165 meters tall. The Star of Nanchang, in a citizen's riverside park in Jiangxi province of Mainland China, [comes in second] at 160 meters tall. Third place is the well-known London Eye of England, 135 meters tall.

如果以高度來比,現階段全球最高的摩天輪是新加坡的「摩天觀景輪」,高達165公尺。 第2名則是大陸江西灨江市民公園的「南昌之星」,高160公尺。 第3名則是高135公尺,英國著名的「倫敦之眼」。



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